CJSE Family Foundation Sponsorship
50th Annual Show of the San Francisco Peninsula Chapter – California Dressage Society
CJSE Family Foundation – Nurturing the Next Generation of Equestrian Riders
On July 23rd and 24th, the 50th Annual Show of the San Francisco Peninsula Chapter of the California Dressage Society took place at the Horse park at Woodside, California. CJSE Family Foundation (“CJSE”), as a sponsor of the annual show, sponsored a giveaway of plush ponies for all riders and donated $1,000 to California Dressage Society.

(The branded banner placed at the entry to the main arena)
CJSE Family Foundation is an animal welfare organization dedicated to saving animal pals worldwide. Founded by Crystal Jiang and her two kids, Sherry Chen and Ethan Chen, the Foundation has its unique perspective. CJSE believes all lives matter; all lives need respect. CJSE’s mission is to connect animal lovers with abandoned pals: dogs, cats, and horses, by supporting animal rescue organizations that match animal pals with their forever families. Aligning with their mission, CJSE Family Foundation partnered with the show to nurture the next generation of equestrian riders, through funding operation of the show itself and providing plush ponies for each rider to keep as a memento or share with a youngster in the next generation of equestrian riders.

(The branded tag on the plush pony)
The California Dressage Society is an organization whose purpose is to foster an interest among horsemen in Dressage. The program of the society is educational, designed primarily to offer a framework in which individuals can progress with the schooling of themselves and their horses. The California Dressage Society is an opportunity – to share, to experience, to learn and to contribute. Among the founding chapters of the California Dressage Society, the San Francisco Peninsula Chapter (“SFP”) has a long history of promoting interest in dressage through educational events, competitions, and social activities. Today, SFP holds a unique position as the most prestigious show for the Northern California dressage community and is renowned for its spectacular perpetual trophies, which have been donated by, or in the name of, prominent equestrians through the years. SFP is also proud to provide opportunities for junior/young riders, adult amateurs, and professionals to nurture their passion for horses and dressage.
As a participating rider at the show, one of the CJSE Family Foundation founders Sherry Chen represented the next generation of equestrian riders, showing her pony Silco at Introductory Level. At every age of rider, and every level of dressage, shows such as this provide a wealth of education for every participant. Meanwhile, the plush ponies donated by CJSE received a huge welcome by the children and riders. By donating the plush ponies, CJSE wants to express its love for animals and convey its mission to all participants of the annual show. As presenting sponsor, CJSE Family Foundation also receives a wide spread of gratitude and recognition in all social media and website of SFP.

(Sherry Chen riding her pony Silco at the show)
As Presenting Sponsor of the 50th Annual Show of the San Francisco Peninsula Chapter of the California Dressage Society, CJSE Family Foundation has established itself in the California dressage community as a generous philanthropic partner. With activity attendance reaching deep into the dressage community, as well as throughout the equestrian community, CJSE Family Foundation is reaching the families and individuals who are likely to share similar values. In return, riders, volunteers, and spectators in the show have remarked on the generosity of CJSE Family Foundation and expressed their huge gratitude.

(CJSE Family Foundation – Crystal Jiang, Sherry Chen and Ethan Chen)
As CJSE Family Foundation plans for future promotions, the effectiveness of reaching children and their parents through the cozy comfort of cuddling plush animals is one of the effective ways to engage their attention and foster their interest in saving animal pals. Its founder Crystal Jiang firmly believes that CJSE Family Foundation will continue to move forward and dedicate itself in philanthropy and nurturing the next generations of equestrian riders.